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For character biography, see Al'Akir.
Image of Al'Akir
Gender Male
Race Air elemental (Elemental)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Throne of the Four Winds
Status Killable

Al'Akir is the final boss encounter in the Throne of the Four Winds, a release raid in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.


Adventure Guide[]

Gifted with great intelligence and cunning, Al'Akir the Windlord once served as the foremost tactician in the Old Gods' horrific armies. In the wake of the Cataclysm, he has aligned with Deathwing and turned his godlike powers against many of the air elementals' ancient tol'vir nemeses.


Alakir area

Stage One: Your Challenge is Accepted![]

Al'Akir periodically casts Squall Line, Wind Burst, Ice Storm and Lightning Strike on random players. He casts Static Shock on any target in melee range and Electrocute on his primary target if that target leaves melee range.

  • Spell frost icestorm Ice Storm — Creates a Blizzard that moves around the platform, leaving Ice Patches on the ground behind it. Deals 15000 Frost damage every 0.5 sec to all enemies standing within the radius of the ice patches on the ground. This effect will persist as long as the target remains in this area.
  • Spell nature lightningshield Static Shock Heroic Difficulty — Al'Akir shocks all nearby enemies, deals 1000 Nature damage per second, interrupting any spells cast. Lasts 5 sec.
  • Spell lightning lightningbolt01 Electrocute Tank Alert — Channels a bolt of electricity into the caster's current target, dealing increasing Nature damage over time. This ability is only usable if the caster is unable to melee attack its target. This ability will end if the target returns to melee range.
  • Spell frost windwalkon Wind Burst — Deals 28275 to 31725 Nature damage to all enemies, knocking them back. 5 second cast.
  • Spell nature lightningoverload Lightning Strike — Deals 19000 to 21000 Nature damage in a cone facing a random enemy every second for 30 sec. This effect chains off all enemies affected causing 19000 to 21000 to all other enemies affected.
  • Inv elemental primal air Squall Line Deadly — Creates a wall of Tornadoes that circles around Al'Akir's platform with an obvious opening in the line players must move to, much like Sartharion's Flame Tsunamis. 40,000 damage per second to those touching the Squall line. Two walls of Tornadoes on Heroic.

Stage Two: Your Persistence Angers Me![]

At 80% health, Al'Akir no longer casts Wind Bursts but continually brings down Acid Rain and spawns Stormlings.

  • Spell nature lightningshield Static Shock — Al'Akir shocks all nearby enemies, deals 1000 Nature damage per second, interrupting any spells cast. Lasts 5 sec.
  • Spell lightning lightningbolt01 Electrocute Tank Alert — Channels a bolt of electricity into the caster's current target, dealing increasing Nature damage over time. This ability is only usable if the caster is unable to melee attack its target. This ability will end if the target returns to melee range.
  • Inv elemental primal air Squall Line Deadly — Creates a wall of Tornadoes that circles around Al'Akir's platform with an obvious opening in the line players must move to, much like Sartharion's Flame Tsunamis. 40,000 damage per second to those touching the Squall line. Two walls of Tornadoes on Heroic.
  • Spell fire felrainoffire Acid Rain — Deals 500 Nature damage per second to all enemies. This effect will increase by 500 every 15 sec until Al'Akir enters phase three.
  • Stormling Damage Dealer Alert — Summons a Stormling add (300,000/1M HP 10/25) with a nature damage aura that will apply Feedback to Al'Akir when slain. Deals 2375 to 2625 Nature damage every second to all enemies within 20 yards (on Heroic increasing Nature damage they take by 25% for 2 sec, Stacks.)
    • Spell shaman staticshock Feedback — A Stormling's death causes a feedback effect towards Al'Akir, increasing the damage he receives by 10% per stack. Lasts 20 sec.

Stage Three: Enough![]

Al'Akir shatters his platform and creates a zone-wide Relentless Storm, lifting all players into the air and giving them the Eye of the Storm buff as long as they remain near him.

  • Ability druid galewinds Eye of the Storm — Flight. Movement speed increased by 300%.
  • Spell nature lightning Lightning Heroic Difficulty — Deals 28500 to 31500 Nature damage to random enemy targets. Cast constantly in phase 3.
  • Spell shaman staticshock Lightning Rod — Causes a random target to begin to emit lightning to nearby friends after 5 sec, dealing 4750 to 5250 Nature damage per second to all friends within 20 yards horizontally, and 5 yards vertically. Lasts 5 sec.
  • Spell nature callstorm Lightning Cloud Deadly — Summons clouds at the altitude of a random enemy. After 5 seconds, these clouds erupt in lightning, dealing 47500 to 52500 Nature damage per second to all enemies at the same altitude. Lasts 30 sec.
  • Spell frost windwalkon Wind Burst — Deals 38000 to 42000 Nature damage to all enemies, knocking them back.

Berserk: Al'akir Berserk after 9 minutes from the beginning of the Fight in all Difficult settings.Increase Damage 900% and quickly wipes the raid.


Al'Akir is a three phase encounter that will require one tank on both 10 and 25 player difficulties.

Phase One[]

Lightning Strike is the main lethal mechanic in this phase. The raid needs to be spread out in groups of 2 (10-man) or 3 (25-man) in order to avoid healer range issues and lightning strike chaining to many players and instantly killing them. Players in the same group will stand on top of eachother, ensuring the damage is a healable 40,000 or 60,000 hit. Players must move into melee range for Wind Burst and avoid the rotating Squall Lines. Wind Burst is on a predictable 30 second timer and players should take into account its timer when moving to Squall Lines since they will need to be in melee to avoid being knocked off the platform. The tank need not fear moving out of melee to dodge Squall Line, Al'Akir will electrocute him instead of melee-ing other players. Lightning Strike is considerably more threatening on 25-player difficulty.

Phase Two[]

The raid should group up around the tank in phase two. You will still need to dodge Squall Lines. The primary mechanic of this phase is ensuring the Feedback debuff is stacked on Al'Akir. Since the duration of feedback is increased to 30 seconds up from 20 seconds and Al'Akir summons a stormling every 20 seconds, it's no longer needed to time kills but you will have to kill stormlings as soon as possible. Once Al'Akir is at five or six feedback stacks, you should bloodlust/heroism and have all DPS focus on Al'Akir to hit phase three before Acid Rain stacks too high and is unhealable.

Phase Three[]

The raid will be tossed into the Eye of the Storm, any Stormlings will remain up and the tank should taunt them and keep them out of melee with the raid. A successful strategy is to group up and 'jump' up as high as you can go. Then the raid will move down 10 yards whenever lightning clouds spawn. Players with lightning rod will move down 6 yards to avoid damaging other players. When you are wind bursted back you must move back to your original position, because if you get too far away (or too close) to Al'Akir you will be caught in the relentless storm and killed. You should be able to kill Al'Akir before you run out of room.


Main article: Heart of Wind
Item Type
Normal Heroic
Inv pants robe raidmage i 01 [Soul Breath Leggings] Inv pants robe raidmage i 01 [Soul Breath Leggings] Caster cloth leggings
Inv pants leather raiddruid i 01 [Gale Rouser Leggings] Inv pants leather raiddruid i 01 [Gale Rouser Leggings] Caster leather leggings
Inv pant leatherraidrogue i 01 [Wind Stalker Leggings] Inv pant leatherraidrogue i 01 [Wind Stalker Leggings] Agility leather leggings
Inv pant raidshaman i 01 [Lightning Well Legguards] Inv pant raidshaman i 01 [Lightning Well Legguards] Caster mail leggings
Inv pant mail raidhunter i 01 [Star Chaser Legguards] Inv pant mail raidhunter i 01 [Star Chaser Legguards] Agility mail leggings
Inv pants plate raidpaladin i 01 [Tempest Keeper Leggings] Inv pants plate raidpaladin i 01 [Tempest keeper Leggings] Caster plate leggings
Inv pants plate raiddeathknight i 01 [Sky Strider Greaves] Inv pants plate raiddeathknight i 01 [Sky Strider Greaves] DPS plate leggings
Inv pants plate raidwarrior i 01 [Thunder Wall Greaves] Inv pants plate raidwarrior i 01 [Thunder Wall Greaves] Tank plate leggings
Inv sword 1h bwdraid d 02 [Stormwake, the Tempest's Reach] Inv sword 1h bwdraid d 02 [Stormwake, the Tempest's Reach] Main hand sword
Inv misc necklacea3 [Cloudburst Necklace] Inv misc necklacea3 [Cloudburst Necklace] Strength necklace
Item icecrownnecklaceb [Mistral Pendant] Item icecrownnecklaceb [Mistral Pendant] Agility necklace
Item icecrownnecklacea [Permafrost Choker] Item icecrownnecklacea [Permafrost Choker] Tank necklace
Item icecrownnecklaced [Planetary Amulet] Item icecrownnecklaced [Planetary Amulet] Caster necklace
Inv misc cape cataclysm tank d 01 [Cloudburst Cloak] Inv misc cape cataclysm tank d 01 [Cloudburst Cloak] Strength cloak
Inv misc cape cataclysm melee d 01 [Mistral Drape] Inv misc cape cataclysm melee d 01 [Mistral Drape] Agility cloak
Item icecrowncloak [Permafrost Cape] Item icecrowncloak [Permafrost Cape] Tank cloak
Inv misc cape cataclysm healer d 01 [Planetary Drape] Inv misc cape cataclysm healer d 01 [Planetary Drape] Caster cloak
Inv misc pearlring2 [Cloudburst Ring] Inv misc pearlring2 [Cloudburst Ring] Strength ring
Inv helmet 24 [Helm of the Forlorn Conqueror] Inv helmet 24 [Crown of the Forlorn Vanquisher] Armor token
Inv helmet 24 [Helm of the Forlorn Protector] Inv helmet 24 [Crown of the Forlorn Vanquisher] Armor token
Inv helmet 24 [Helm of the Forlorn Vanquisher] Inv helmet 24 [Crown of the Forlorn Vanquisher] Armor token
Inv shoulder 22 [Mantle of the Forlorn Protector] Inv shoulder 22 [Shoulders of the Forlorn Protector] Armor token
Inv shoulder 22 [Mantle of the Forlorn Conqueror] Inv shoulder 22 [Shoulders of the Forlorn Conqueror] Armor token
Inv shoulder 22 [Mantle of the Forlorn Vanquisher] Inv shoulder 22 [Shoulders of the Forlorn Vanquisher] Armor token
Inv misc stormdragonpurple [Reins of the Drake of the South Wind] Inv misc stormdragonpurple [Reins of the Drake of the South Wind] Mount
Inv spiritshard 01 [Essence of the Forlorn] Currency

Related achievements[]


Conclave is defeated
The Conclave of Wind has dissipated. Your honorable conduct and determination have earned you the right to face me in battle, mortals. I await your assault on my platform! Come!
Your challenge is accepted, mortals! Know that you face Al'Akir, Elemental Lord of Air! You have no hope of defeating me!
Wind Burst
Winds! Obey my command!
Phase Two
Your futile persistence angers me!
Squall Line
Storms! I summon you to my side!
Phase Three
Enough! I will no longer be contained!
Killing a player
  • Like swatting insects...
  • This little one will vex me no longer.
After every storm, comes the calm...


  • World first heroic kill on 25-man achieved 22.1.2011 by 夢想(Dream) of Silverwing Hold Taiwan.
  • If you die and find yourself without a Release button the fact that there is no ground probably means you are not resurrectible (even if your teammates think they see your corpse, bugs prevent it from being in range of the spell). To work around this type this in your chat window:
/script RepopMe()


10-man Heroic[]

10-man Normal[]

25-man Normal[]

25-man Heroic[]

Patches and hotfixes[]

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.2.0 (2011-06-28):
    • Acid Rain now stacks every 20 seconds, up from 15.
    • Electrocute now pulses every 1 second, up from 0.5.
    • Feedback duration has been increased to 30 seconds, up from 20.
    • Health, damage, and Wind Burst damage have all been reduced by 20%.
    • Lightning and Lightning Rod recast time has been increased.
    • Lightning Strike friendly chain damage has been reduced by 50%.
    • Static Shock will no longer be used on normal difficulty in phase 1 or phase 2.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.1.0 (2011-04-26): Al'Akir will now drop random necklaces and cloaks as well as helm or shoulder tokens in addition or in some cases instead of his current loot.
  • Cataclysm Hotfix (2010-12-07): Al'akir's Lightning Cloud now despawns when the encounter is defeated in Throne of the Four Winds.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added.

External links[]
